Five Unusual Skin Growths – some that are cancerous

Thanks to increased awareness about skin cancer, many people are visiting doctors in Tweed when they suspect they have skin cancer. It is recommended that every adult carries out skin checks for abnormal growth. However not every patch, rash, or mold is skin cancer.

Many doctors in Tweed have had worried patients coming to them about something they noticed on their skin and they thought it was cancer. Here is a list of the common skin blemishes that may look like cancer but are not.

Serrboheic Keratosis

These are patchy looking growths that usually appear as the skin ages. They may cause itching at times and scratching them may cause an injury that results in infection. Many people mistake them for scabs and try to pull them off when they realize they are not scabs, they get worried and rush to a doctor. Serrboheic keratosis is however harmless although it may look unpleasant. They are usually associated with age and exposure to sunshine.


Eczema is a skin irritation that appears cracked, red, and itchy. Some people may get it because of overexposure to the sun and it can be stress-induced. This irritation can get worse if you scratch it and many people will become worried that they may have skin cancer. According to research published in the journal eLife, people with eczema have a reduced risk of developing skin cancer as it triggers an immune response that can fight the disease.

Basal Cell Carcinoma

This may present as a shiny pink waxy patch that is scaly and translucent. The patch may develop a brownish-black pigment in the middle and may grow bigger slowly. This growth may remain in one place and may spread. With time it may become an ulcer or begin to bleed. These cancers need to be removed.

Solar Keratoses

This is common on people who have been exposed to the sun for most of their life. It usually develops as a person grows old. Solar Keratoses or actinic keratoses, usually present as a red dry patchy scaly growth on the skin. The size of the growth can vary from person to person. Although it is not skin cancer, it is advised that a person seeks treatment for this skin problem because it can develop into Squamous cell carcinoma.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

This type of skin cancer may present with a rough crusty surface. SCC, as it is also known, may present as a pink and firm lump on the skin with an occasional spiky protrusion on the top. This growth can begin to bleed when scratched lightly and develops into a wound. SCC’s need to be removed.

Even though some abnormal growths may look like cancer but are not, you must seek the diagnosis of a medical professional. Such growths can also cause damage to the skin that is unsightly and others might eventually become cancerous so treatment is important.